Dear Editor,
The Bisley Artisan Market is back on June 9 at the Bisley WI Hall from 11.30am to 2.30pm.
The spring market raised £250 for the Scoo B Doo Gloucester Neonatal Unit.
The summer market will have lots of new stalls, just in time for those pre – Father’s Day shoppers or a day out for refreshments or a gift for you.
The market is growing and a perfect opportunity to support your local small businesses in the area.
There will also be a raffle held on the day for Breast Cancer Research Uk should you like donate a prize you can bring them on the day. Raffle tickets are on sale at £1 each
Butterfly Skys has also made some pink and White hair scrunchies at £3 each, which the funds will go to Breast Cancer Research UK. You can buy direct or view on the day.
There is limited car parking spaces at the WI, but Bisley Blue Coat Primary School is opening up the grounds for additional parking. There will be a entry donation at the market gates of 50p per adult in aid of Bisley Blue Coats PTA they will be also be holding a sweet stall. More market dates are set to follow in October and November.
Should you be interested in a stall, email:
Yours sincerely,
Kirsty Harris