A visionary mentoring leader is searching for land to develop an ambitious project to help vulnerable young people.
Sam Viggers, founder and director of SV Mentoring wants to find a greenfield site near the Junction 13 corridor of the M5.
SV Mentoring provides a bespoke service, providing both academic and social education to vulnerable young people in and around Gloucestershire.
Sam is looking for a rural location, which would include agricultural land with plans to include a raft of facilities from a forest school area to an animal therapeutic zone and lodge accommodation for short breaks and respite, including emergency shelter for vulnerable young people taken into care.
Sam said: “Our team of staff provide positive role models for children and deliver a wide range of packages that assist with reintegration into educational settings and give young people an opportunity to participate in multiple interventions such as outdoor forest school, animal care, sensory and kinesthetic learning and bespoke sport and fitness sessions to promote healthy living.
“After multiple searches, meetings with Gloucestershire County Council and Siobhan Baillie, I’m reaching out to the local community to see if any individuals would be willing to sell some land for this project and support the amazing project that supports so many vulnerable children in Gloucestershire.
“The land will be sold with a covenant to ensure and guarantee no development for dwellings would take place and it will be solely used for the proposed plan for rural interventions and bespoke eco lodges.”
If any members of the public have suitable land for sale please contact Sam Viggers though the company website: www.svmentoring.co.uk