Melvyn Wilkins is researching a new book, and is seeking help from people who were involved in scouting in and around Stroud.
The book will cover the era 1961-1987 when Melvyn took part in scouting in Stroud and Tetbury District, as well as a brief history featuring other scouting stories and activities at that time.

His involvement with scouting ranges from being a Cub, Scout and Assistant Cub Scout Leader at Rodborough, becoming Venture Scout Leader at Randwick and finally Assistant District Commissioner Venture Scouts.

Covering such topics as the Cotswold Jamborees (1980 and 1985), Explorer Belt Expeditions (1975, 1976, 1977 and 1979) and annual Switzerland ski trips, and needing input especially on the first trip to Avranches in Normandy (1977) and the Brittany Explorer Belt Expedition (1977) as although he attended, he has very little in the way of photos and stories to go with it.

If you can help, Melvyn can be contacted by email: or text: 07866 459170.