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Consultation on Subs’ proposed forecourt transformation


Dozens of people visited a public consultation event at the Subscription Rooms to share their views about a proposal to transform the area outside the venue.

They were able to discuss with the design team and consultants, including a tree expert, the plan to transform the space in front of the Sub Rooms into an attractive town square.

So far more than 200 people have taken part in the consultation process with scores of them leaving comments about the project.

The proposal includes levelling up the area which is currently sloping and enclosing it with seating, planting and a canopy of trees. It also includes a proposal to improve access to the Sub Rooms. 

The Town Council has now released a video that shows the proposed changes in 3D.

“The video really helps people understand the proposal and what the area could look like,” said Councillor Stella Parkes, Chair of the Town Council Regeneration Committee.

“The consultation period runs until April 29 and we are keen that as many people as possible share their thoughts about the proposal so we can ensure it truly reflects the wishes of the town.”

The project is planned to be one part of a Levelling Up Fund bid for Stroud town centre, once the Government announces bid criteria, which is expected this Spring.

Stroud District Council is the lead partner in drawing up a bid, with partners including the Stroud MP, Stroud Town Council, Gloucestershire County Council, Network Rail, Great Western Railway, GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership and Stroud & District Chamber of Trade & Commerce.

The consultation period will run until 29 April. People can view the video and their feedback on the website: https://stroudtownsquare.commonplace.is/

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