Stroud Artists Cooperative staged the first Stroud outdoor painting and sketching event.
More than 30 artists took part in the event, which was organised by Chris James and Clare Hines.
The overall winner was md Abdul Malik Nobel from Cheltenham runner-up Mark Owen, Simon Fitzgerald won the Contemporary Prize and Jo Howe was runner-up.
The drawing class accolade went to Sarah Luton with Jackie Curtis second.
Teenager Issy Robinson won the Under 19 class with Maria Howe in second place. Jay Broderick, Jess Hazel and Maggie Howe picked up special mentions. The winners work will be on show with SAC plein air work at the Lansdown Gallery from July 17-21.
Chris James said: “We would like to thank the fantastic artists and volunteers especially Abigail, Rachel and Wiola. Many thanks to Dan McDermott for judging, the use of the Blue room at the stunning Science and Art College and our wonderful sponsors, Pegasus Art, SGS, SAC, Jacksons and Woodruffs café.”
The Stroud Artists Cooperative are a fast growing art group in Stroud organising exhibitions and promoting art to all ages and abilities. Check out the small sculpture area next to Stroud Brewery.