A trader who has served Stroud since 1979, scooped the top gong at the Stroud Town Council Annual Awards.
Owner Fiona Mills-Carlyon has seen Moonflower blossom into two high street shops and an online store. They stock household names such as Birkenstock, Blundstones and Neal’s Yard as well as offering ladies clothing, accessories, homewares and gifts.

Held at the Cotswold Playhouse, the event included a samba drumming performance from Simbora.

The main ceremony was opened by newly-elected Mayor Tony Davey. Deputy Mayor Sue Fenton and Stroud Council CEO Helen Bojaniwska introduced the six award categories.
Gloria Hobday scooped the community award for her work as a lollipop person.

The 2024 Stroud Town Award winners were:
- Environment Award: Ann Finlayson, SEEd (Highly Commended: Dmytro Bojaniwskyj, Transition Stroud)
- Community Award: Gloria Hobday (Highly Commended: Marcus Jelfs)
- Trader of the Year: Moonflower (Highly Commended: Hannah Pocock, Clockhouse Vets)
- Young People of the Year: The R.Y.S.E. and SISTER
- Inclusivity & Diversity Award: Stroud Ceasefire Coalition (Highly Commended: This Ends Now)
- Mayor’s Award: The Stroud Centre for Peace and the Arts
- Winner of Environment Award- ANN Finleyson of SE-ED.
- The Red Band- including four Town Council councillors playing.
- Winners of Equality and Diversity Award- Stroud Ceasefire Coalition.

Picture by Andrew Higgins/Thousand Word Media Ltd