Review by Mia Ashcroft
Pantomimes have never been my thing. I avoided the forced laughs, sing-a-longs and cringing in my seat at all costs. But let me tell you, The Sub Rooms panto is a game-changer – it’s quickly become a family tradition that I look forward to every Christmas. And like every year, I laughed until I cried… then I actually cried.
I was apprehensive en route to see Snow White, wondering how it could possibly top PJD productions previous shows at The Sub Rooms. To my delight, it did.
As always, ‘Prince Pleasing’ and the Huntsman were the ultimate tag team, stealing the spotlight with their hilarious chemistry and (very) close-to-the-bone banter. They had the entire ballroom roaring with laughter, often.
Equally, and to my relief, Snow White was far more interesting than your average (and usually insufferable) Disney princess – with killer vocals and a quirky sense of humor… The dancers from Ballyhoo Dance School were fantastic as always, bringing high energy and a warm sense of community.
It’s modern, current, and quite simply hilarious. I say it every year but Phil Dale, Creative Director of PJD productions and writer of the production is an actual genius.
This trip was the perfect catalyst for some Christmas spirit and festive cheer. I left feeling giddy and entertained.
So if pantos aren’t your thing, I urge you to give this one a go – you’ll look forward to it every year from here on out!