Tucked away at the end of John Street in Stroud is a time capsule, an Aladdin’s cave of unusual and antique objects from old pots of gentleman’s relish to magic lantern slides. Owner of The Old Clock and Gramophone shop is Alec Thomas who has run the business for 21 years.

A former production engineer, he was born in Stroud hospital. His first vintage love as a youth was for old mineral water bottles he dug up in old rubbish dumps around Stroud and sold for £2.50 each.
He collects gramophones and enjoys the many clocks ticking in his shop and metal Hornby 00 trains, tobacco tins, car emblems, tin plate signs, cigarette cards and cuckoo clocks add to the mix.
Each item tells a story that Alec is happy to impart to you. Every visit you’ll see something new and it’s always an education. Once common place Alec’s business is now a rarity to be cherished and valued.