Crown & Sceptre landlord Rodda Thomas has welcomed Freedom Day but will offer face masks to customers struggling to adapt to the new normal.
Today, July 19th will see the scrapping of mandatory face masks, removal of social distancing measures and an end to the six-person limit on indoor gatherings.

Rodda said: “We will be reopening the pub inside, from 3pm. There will be bar stools on one side of the bar and no restrictions on tables and numbers and table service will end.
“We have taken a survey of our customers to find out how they feel about the lifting of restrictions. The results have been overwhelmingly in favour of reopening the pub inside. However, we will be keeping the marquee in the garden, up, and a facility for customers, that still don’t feel entirely happy with being seated inside.

“They will be able to enter the pub, with or without masks, and be served, through a screen at the end of the bar. Order and pay for their drinks and exit the pub, with their drinks, through the back door to the garden and marquee. There will be masks available for customers who need them and I hope this will keep everyone feeling happy and safe.”
We spoke to Rodda at the start of the pandemic, click HERE