For those of us lucky enough not to be working, it’s the week of “what day is it today?” The quiet time between festivities of solstice/Christmas and the new year. It’s traditionally a time to pause, rest, experience the stillness.
Not always the easiest thing after the busyness of the pre-holiday rush. A time to slow down, to regroup, and to reflect. For me, looking back on the past year, it’s been a lot about letting go and about just getting on with things. It’s been about showing up daily and doing what needs to be done, whether it’s been writing, studying, packing up my belongings to move into my new home, or working in the shop.
I’ve learned the value of fast decision-making, of letting go of the opinions of others, and of letting go of perfectionism. I’ve worked when I’m tired and I’ve accepted that my best is good enough. I’ve followed the advice of mentors and coaches more successful than me and I’ve seen my dreams manifest into tangible things – a coffee table book, a new home, my business thriving through another year.
I’ve learned that I can create my own certainty in uncertain times and that freedom is a state of mind. And now it’s time to sink into the quiet time. To think about what I’d like to contribute and offer during the next 12 months, how I’d like to live my life, and how that would feel. Wishing everyone a cosy, connected and abundant time between times See you on the other side.
Clare Honeyfield is a yoga teacher, coach, and entrepreneur based in Stroud and working globally to help women creatives overcome procrastination and achieve greatness through the development of self-belief, self-care, and community.