Work is set to start on a former care home in Stroud.
Southfield House in Park Road will host semi-independent accommodation for up to 19 young people aged from 16 to 25, with a skilled support team on-site and available to young people throughout the day and overnight
To make sure the building is fit for purpose, the council promises to invest £3.35 million for refurbishing and building work.
A spokesperson for Gloucestershire County Council said: “We are committed to high quality homes and supported accommodation for children and young people that are in, or leaving, our care. As part of this strategy, we are developing Southfield House in Stroud as a key supported accommodation setting for young people aged 16 to 25. We have been working closely with local residents and have made changes to the plans based on their feedback.
“The construction work on Southfield House is beginning imminently. Through the course of building this asset in the community for our young people we are continuing our regular meetings with the local residents’ group and holding coffee mornings for adjacent neighbours and interested members of the community.
“We will review the future of the old house before deciding on plans for its use.”