As schools across the county break up for the February half term, housing provider Bromford is warning children in Gloucestershire about the dangers of playing on building sites.
Bromford, which is providing new homes across twelve developments in Gloucestershire, is advising children to stay safe when walking or playing nearby building sites, especially during the holiday period.
Until they are completed and all construction work has ceased, housing developments can be very dangerous places which should not be accessed by children or their parents.
Catherine Jarrett, Director of Sales and Marketing at Bromford, said: “New homes developments under construction may look like exciting places to explore, but they can be extremely hazardous.

“At Bromford, we put a lot of care into making sure our developments are secure and can’t be accessed by children or passers-by. However, we would like to ask parents to ensure the safety of their children during the half term, especially if they live near an active building site.”
Bromford has a range of brand-new homes available to purchase across the county through Shared Ownership.
Shared Ownership gives those who do not currently own a property the chance to secure a new build home with Bromford. Homebuyers pay a mortgage on the share they own and pay rent on the remaining share, meaning a smaller deposit is required.
For more information on Bromford visit, and for details on the homes available go to