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It’s a game of two halves


With the Euros in full swing and a busy summer of sport ahead, we are bound to be bombarded with cliches and punditry that is bound to get on your nerves, writes Carl Benton.

But for the competitors in these events cliches such as, ‘it’s a game of two halves’, can often motivate and inspire a victory from the jaws of defeat. Bristol rugby fans are only too aware, having thrown away a 28-5 half time lead to Harlequins, who were in no doubt that the game ‘is only over when the fat lady sings’!

No matter how robust or determined we think we are, life, on occasions can get the better of us, we get frustrated and want to give up. Whether it is your work, your diet and exercise regime, or even a relationship, it can at times get too much. Seeking encouragement from friends, family colleagues or perhaps a coach will help, we must also accept that these setbacks are part and parcel of life and they can help to make us stronger and even more determined. It is all down to attitude and perspective!

To help you get back on track and make the most of the 2nd half of 2021, the team has put together a few tips to help you achieve this goal. There is nothing new here, it is not rocket science, just a little bit of application, dedication, and commitment.

1.“Just Do It” and if it is not perfect, just focus on the fact that you acted and did not give in.  If you have said you are going to run a 5k fun run this year but have no prior experience. The first step getting out of your door and making an effort, even if you only make it to the end of your road on your first training run, you will be about 2% closer to your ultimate goal than if you didn’t put in any work at all.

2. Start from the very beginning. Achieving the best version of yourself requires you to start from the beginning and lots of small steps in order to become what you envision.

3. The best version of yourself should be your vision, not anybody else’s. Do not waste energy trying to live up to what somebody else wants you to be.

4. There is no magic pill. Just as with exercise or weight loss, there is no miraculous shortcut to the better version of you!

5. Embrace failure. You cannot become the best version of yourself by playing it safe.

6. Get up earlier. Use the extra minutes to exercise or clear your desk and plan for the day ahead. It will help you become far more focused and relaxed throughout the day.

There is always some room for improvement in some facet of our lives and the quickest way to solve the problem is to begin working towards the better version today. There is no “right time” to get started, so what are you waiting for?

Prior to establishing the Personal Best, Carl Benton taught Physical Education, coached teams, and ran fitness classes for 10 years in the New Forest. Carl was also a regular contributor to Ultra Fit magazine, writing over 40 articles in collaboration with Pete Cohen.

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