Dave Harries meets Stroud author, Sarah Steele, and talks about her new book, The Lost Song of Paris, which is now available in digital format before being released in paperback next March.
Click below to listen to the interview with Sarah:
Sarah published her first book in 2020, The Missing Pieces of Nancy Moon. Her second book, The Schoolteacher of Saint-Michel, came out in 2021, and her latest novel, The Lost Song of Paris, is now available in e-book form, and in paperback next year.

Dave Harries is a podcast and video producer and presenter. He is from a background in broadcasting, where he started as a Studio Manager for the BBC in the 1980s.
He’s lived in Gloucestershire for over 20 years and both his daughters attended school in Stroud where he also plays in two orchestras.
As a professional interviewer and avid reader, he is delighted that this series brings those two attributes together as he meets and chats to local authors for The Stroud Times.