Sixteen underprivileged children from the slums of Mumbai and rural Karnataka and Rajasthan have had the trip of lifetime, visiting eight independent schools across the UK including Beaudesert Park School in Minchinhampton.
The OSCAR Foundation, a charity which runs educational, football and life skills programmes in India selected eight boys and eight girls to experience a once in a lifetime educational visit to the UK, playing football matches, attending lessons and connecting and learning from local children.
The tour was funded by schools, who spent the last year raising money for the charity.
Beaudesert Park School raised £24,465 for the charity, amongst the largest totals of any school. Charity activities included a colour run, a curry and auction night, and a team of over 20 staff ran the Bristol half marathon in May.
During the visit to Beaudesert, the OSCAR children spent time in dance and samba workshops, meeting pre-prep children, and coaching sports sessions.
Parents and school alumni also joined the rest of the school for the Beaudesert Park v OSCAR football matches.
Headmaster, Chris Searson said: “We are so blessed to have hosted the OSCAR teams again, and to have strengthened our connections with the Foundation.
“Each tour is a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn about the experiences of others, and make new friends. We can’t wait to work with OSCAR again in the future, and welcome them back to Beaudesert.”