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Police constable dismissed and barred following misconduct hearing


An officer has been dismissed without notice and barred from policing following a misconduct hearing.

PC Thomas Baker, who was based in Gloucester, accessed police data systems on six occasions to view records relating to a man who’d been arrested when he did not have a lawful policing purpose to do so.

He subsequently acknowledged accessing the records but lied about the number of times he had done so.

The misconduct hearing, which was open to the public, took place in front of a panel chaired by Assistant Chief Constable Arman Mathieson at our headquarters this week.

The panel subsequently found PC Baker’s actions amounted to gross misconduct as they breached the following standards of professional behaviour:

  • Confidentiality
  • Discreditable conduct
  • Order and Instructions
  • Honesty and Integrity

ACC Mathieson said: “Police officers have access to lots of sensitive information and should only ever access police data systems when they have a legitimate reason for doing so.

“PC Baker took advantage of his position as an officer and in doing so betrayed the public’s trust.

“To compound this, he then lied about his actions in an attempt to conceal his wrongdoing.

“The public rightly expect the highest standards of behaviour from all our officers and staff and PC Baker’s conduct fell well below of the standards expected of him.

“He is therefore unfit to serve as a police officer and has subsequently been dismissed without notice and his name has been placed on the Police Barred List.”

ACC Mathieson added: “The public’s confidence in policing is damaged each and every time an officer exceeds or abuses the lawful use of their powers or otherwise falls short of the required standards.

“When this happens at Gloucestershire Constabulary, we don’t hesitate to take action and I hope this reassures our communities that only those fit to serve are allowed to do so.”

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