Stroud Times is an independent, online news publication with a growing readership.
During January 2024 alone, Stroud Times attracted over 51,000 unique users and generated over 106,000 views.
We don’t use annoying click bait to entice people on to the site, but original journalism and positive news stories about our community and local businesses. Our small team of journalists all live in the Stroud area, and we care passionately about the things you’re passionate about. Our greatest readership is based in Stroud, closely followed by London; so good news travels far!
We’re extremely proud of our journalism and have a product that’s worth shouting about, and we believe it’s the reason why local businesses want to advertise with us:
“Renishaw is committed to investing in our local communities. We value Stroud Times for its editorial-led coverage of community news and as a way for us to communicate locally relevant information about our company, including the achievements of our employees and career opportunities.” Chris Pockett, Head of Communications at Renishaw.
We have a number of creative and effective ways of promoting your business and produce beautifully crafted and bespoke video and photography, which can be shared on our website and across all our social media channels.
Faye would love the opportunity to share some of these ideas with you. For a one-to-one chat, please Email Faye at and she’ll be in touch to arrange a convenient time and date to come and meet you in person.