Students and staff at Stonehouse Park Infant School are jumping for joy after receiving top marks in every category following an Ofsted inspection.
John Parker, Chair of Governors at the Stonehouse Park Federation, said: “We are really pleased to have received such a positive result from Ofsted. This is a reflection of the hard work and commitment of the wonderful team at Stonehouse Park Infant School, and is great news for the Stonehouse Park Federation and the whole school community.”
In 2021 Stonehouse Park Infant School and Park Junior School formed the Stonehouse Park Federation.
Lisa Jones, Executive Headteacher, is particularly proud of the opening sentence which sums up the spirit of the school: “This is a happy, nurturing and inclusive school.”
It goes on to report that, “There is a buzz of excited, purposeful learning throughout the school. Leaders have high aspirations for pupils who follow a rich curriculum.”
Pictured: Indie, the school dog
The inspectors also comment favourably on the pupils’ behaviour noting that, “Most understand school expectations and behave well. Pupils trust staff and feel safe at school. They are confident that staff will sort out any problems.”
Mrs Jones, joined the school in January 2022 and shares with the rest of the team “a strong ambition and determination to improve the school.”
The report says that, “Leaders have worked at pace and with considerable success, to remedy weaknesses in the school.”
For instance, they have made the curriculum more ambitious and have put in place a high-quality phonics programme which is well taught. They plan exciting experiences to bring pupils’ learning to life.
Importantly, safeguarding arrangements are effective and children learn how to stay safe. Parents value the community atmosphere and the supportive relationships that staff foster. The report highlights that, “Leaders swiftly identify the particular needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.”
The school recognises the two areas in which improvements still need to be made and will be bringing a renewed focus to them. The Inspectors note that, “In some subjects, leaders have not fully developed the curriculum or evaluated the impact of it on pupils’ learning.” They also report that, as in many schools nationally since the pandemic, “Despite leaders’ recent efforts to improve attendance, some pupils are regularly absent.”
Mrs Jones is very proud of the conclusions which the inspectors reached: “I am really pleased that the inspectors recognised the positive impact of the recent changes made in school and hard work and commitment from our fantastic staff.”
The full Ofsted report can be downloaded here: Stonehouse Park Infant School – Open – Find an Inspection Report – Ofsted