Children and staff at Uplands Playgroup are celebrating the competition of essential work on their building – thanks to the community rallying round.
“We would love to thank the community for all their help in raising funds towards our recent cladding work at playgroup,” said Debbi Scobell.

“This work was essential, and we were worried that we couldn’t raise the necessary funds due to the covid restrictions. We have had a few events including a pumpkin trail and a yard sale and we’re planning another pumpkin trail for 30th and 31st October.
“We have now had the work completed by local builder Paul Morris and Radford Windows. A £1,000 grant from Tesco was added to the fundraising meaning that all the work was able to be completed leaving funds for resources for the children,” added Debbi.
“The team would like to thank all the families and community of Uplands for all their support.”
For details of upcoming events visit: