Following the easing of restrictions, Covid cases are soaring in Stroud.
Between March 4th and yesterday, Thursday, 845 people had a confirmed positive test result. This shows an increase of 44.7% compared to the previous seven days.
Former Stroud MP David Drew who tested positive last week believes the ending of restrictions has been the contributing factor in the spike.
He said: “If we had kept to wearing masks indoors and social distancing the spread of the dreadful Covid would have been far less than has transpired. As it is Covid has been allowed to spread like a wildfire and it must have put vulnerable people at severe risk. It’s not like flu as much more unpleasant with longer tasting effects.”
Dave Lewis who currently has Covid believes the figures are significantly higher, he said: “Not everyone is testing and could easily be walking about with the virus and spreading it – Covid is everywhere at the moment – we need to bring back face masks as a mandatory measure.”
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