A fundraiser for the foodbank and refugee community will take place at the Prince Albert on Thursday, 7.30pm.
The evening will commence with some history and context from Stuart Butler of Radical Stroud. Pammy Michell will then speak about GARAS (Gloucestershire Association for Refugees and Asylum Speakers). Johnny Fluffypunk and Bill Hicks will then conduct an auction of varied donations to raise funds for the refugee community.
Entry is free but people are urged to bring cans of food for the foodbank.
The high point of the auction will be a Forest Green shirt signed by the whole team, thanks to the generosity of chairman Dale Vince.
With Rovers on course for promotion as champions, the shirt will become an historic garment and piece of historic text too. Crispin Thomas of Stroud Football Poets has written a special poem for the night on being a refugee and the shirt, which is attached.
Extract from ‘What It Means To Be A Refugee’ – Crispin Thomas
there’s another way to make a difference
just like football fans who do this too
raising funds at stadiums and matches
here’s a chance to help for me and you
and one signed shirt from Forest Green can start it
as we bid and open up our hearts
as we share how much we care this evening
time to give and ease those torn apart
time to ease their days and light the darkness
let them know that they will be
sheltered here and that we care so deeply
on what it means to be a refugee