In an open letter to MP Siobhan Baillie, Stroud Town Council has urged her to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.
The Town Council passed a motion earlier this month to support the bill and have written to the Stroud MP today.
The letter, signed by town clerk Helen Bojaniwska reads: I am writing to let you know that the Town Council passed a motion in support of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill at their meeting on 13th September. The full wording of the motion is copied below.
The Town Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and committed to being carbon neutral by 2030. In addition to work on reducing our own carbon footprint and improving biodiversity through our own operations and sites, we have been working hard on local projects to help address the serious concerns facing Stroud residents and businesses, but we need support from the government to help us achieve our aims.
The Council urges you to lend your support to this important legislation, which will make a real difference to how this country addresses the twin threats of climate and ecological breakdown.
As we approach COP26 it would be a very clear demonstration that the Government is truly committed to delivering solutions.
COP26 – the United Nations Conference of the Parties – will see more than 200,000 delegates from 196 countries descend on Glasgow from October 31 to November 21.
The conference is intended to ‘accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’.