Hundreds of people joined a Vigil for the Planet today, Saturday, in Stroud High Street to mark the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.

The event began at noon and featured music from the Stroud Red Band, followed by campaigners standing back-to-back in the High Street and Kendrick Street to demonstrate their concern over the climate crisis.

Campaigners were joined by a seven-foot dinosaur carrying placards highlighting climate issues and were later treated to a performance of The Emperor’s New Loft Insulation, a pantomime written by Elizabeth Stanley.

The event was held to coincide with COP26, the United Nations’ climate change conference, which is taking place in Glasgow this week. Stroud resident and organiser of the event Martin Whiteside said: “I was impressed so many people came to show how desperate they are for COP26 to succeed.

“The dinosaur brought the message home about what we face if we don’t act quickly. I estimate that around 500 people have taken part, with one person cycling from Wootton Bassett to get here.

“We in Stroud want to urge our government to lead with much more urgency. We want them to stop dithering and take immediate action on this issue.”