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Health and nutrition with Trish



There  is a very thin lining of cells which together as a cluster, controls the passing of various substances from the gut into the blood.

When the lining deteriorates, many problems arise as toxins, large food/protein particles, microbes, and other metabolites enter the bloodstream and cause various diseases along with the inflammation of the gut itself.


The causes are numerous ranging from the common towards a few specifics. The diet which we take in contains high amounts of sugars or fats which are the leading cause of gut leakage. Other possible causes include excessive alcohol consumption, stress, bacterial imbalance, antibiotics, food allergies, and gastrointestinal infections.


As for a leaky gut and likewise problems, there is a vast line of treatment options available. The most suitable way is through the diet. 

Changing your diet can have an impact on the overall health of your gut and gastrointestinal system. The following food should heal and repair your gut.

If you are concerned about your symptoms, a comprehensive gut microbiome test can help to identify if you have leaky gut.  Click here to get in touch and book a test www.trishtuckermay.com/workwithme

Going Gluten Free

Gluten intolerance is a common issue because a damaged gut can’t withstand the aggravated effects of the gluten.

Consider cutting gluten from your diet for 21 days, and you shall witness the positive effects and ease discomfort.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir, and other fermented yogurt or kimchi can help you reduce the gut leaking and repair it in the long run.

These foods not only contain the right set of nutrients in them but also the good source of the bacteria which will countermeasure the effects of bad or ill bacteria which have already breached our bloodstream.

Fermented products when used for longer periods improve the number of good bacteria present in the gut along with increasing immune system and providing support to the gut.

Add Prebiotic Foods To Your Diet

Although the probiotic bacteria are a good source of essential nutrients and enzymes needed to keep the internal of the gastrointestinal tract at an optimum, still there is a blank which needs to be filled. We take the probiotic but overlook to include the foods in our diet which will ensure the longevity of these good bacteria in our gut.

These food include

  • Potatoes/Yams
  • Onions
  • Barley/Oats
  • Citrus fruits/Apples
  • Asparagus
  • Leeks
  • Dandelions
  • Chicory
  • Garlic

Article 2

The best foods to heal a leaky gut.

When the gut lining deteriorates or becomes damaged, toxins, large food/protein particles, microbes, and other metabolites enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation. This is called leaky gut.  It is important to work on the gut lining to ease your symptoms.

Changing your diet can have an impact on the overall health of your gut and gastrointestinal system. The following food should heal and repair your gut.

If you are concerned about your symptoms, a comprehensive gut microbiome test can help to identify if you have leaky gut.  Click here to get in touch and book a test www.trishtuckermay.com/workwithme

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir, and other fermented yogurt or kimchi can help you reduce the gut leaking and repair it in the long run.

Bitter tasting foods

Having a bitter or somewhat a slight acidic diet is essential for keeping the levels of gastric acid in our stomach at proper numbers. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in the water level up the amount of gastric acid required for proper digestion and block the leaking of partially undigested foods from the gut.


Having an adequate amount of Omega-3 in your diet can also help you to alleviate the most severe inflammation.

Omega-3 contains HDL (High-density lipoproteins) which are essential for the production of various enzymes for proper breakdown of fat inside the body.

The foods are high in omega 3:

  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seed
  • Hemp seed
  • Walnuts/Almonds
  • Fish Oil and essential fatty substances

Bone Broth

Having the bone broth two times a day is considered to be more effective because it contains an abundant number of vitamins and minerals also including collagen and glucosamine. Both of which are connective tissues and are used in the lining of the gut and digestive tract.

Herbal Tea

Have 2 cups of the herbal tea daily. You can choose the traditional lemon flavour of the tea or chamomile, honey to sooth constipation.

Foods rich in fibre

Food rich in the fibre increase gut mobility and the helpful bacteria.


  • Whole grain cereals (avoid gluten)
  • Lentils/Legumes
  • Whole vegetables
  • Beans

Green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables and leafy vegetables contain high amounts of oxalates, fibres and provide helpful bacteria for improving your gut.

Consider 2 portions of these each day:

  • Lettuce
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Trish Tucker May
  • Registered Nutrition Gut Specialist
  • BEc, MBA, DipNT, FNTP, PSA
  • Beat the belly bloat – visit www.trishtuckermay.com
  • Founder Passion 4 Juice Ltd 

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