A popular pub landlord has raised a glass after two years of trading.
Wes Birch has now toasted two years at the helm of the Ship Inn at Brimscombe.
Wes said: “A pub is owned by the community and I wanted to make sure we reminded people that this is a community pub and we enjoy having people here and keeping them healthy and alive.”
The 18th century pub stands on the Brimscombe Hill road, alongside the route of the Thames & Severn Canal. It was bought by Stroud District Council in February 2017 as part of de-risking the redevelopment of Brimscombe Port and the Cotswold Canals Connected restoration.
“Two years ago we received the keys to The Ship,” Wes added. “We’re so lucky to have the most amazing friends & team, who worked tirelessly for weeks during a mammoth refit.
“I’m blessed to have a super supportive family, who are now so grateful to be part of this totally fabulous community. Running a pub isn’t rocket science. However, you never truly own a pub. You’re entrusted to run it for your community. It’s a great honour and privilege to be a landlord, especially here in Brimscombe.”