Welcome to my first regular column, I’m the Centre Manager at the Five Valleys shopping centre in the heart of the town which as I’m sure you’ll be aware has been undergoing a major transformation over the last two years.
We’ve been so pleased to see so many of you back at the centre since the restrictions on non-essential retail eased on April 12th. The same week our new Sandersons Department store opened, and we’d like to thank everyone for the amazing feedback and response we have had to the store since the ribbon cutting. If you haven’t had chance to have a look yet, please do call in. They have a great range of brands, including of course Gloucestershire’s very own Holland Cooper fashion and equestrian range.
We also welcomed Craghoppers to Five Valleys on April 12th, they’re a great sustainable retailer with some fabulous specialist clothing to help you enjoy the great outdoors.

The recent lockdown easing has meant the reopening of JoJo Maman Bebe, Sub Couture, F Hinds and our other salons and stores – it really is great to see so many people supporting our local businesses here.
One of the things we are really proud of is the new market area which is proving so popular with our customers. Most of our traders have been able to continue trading throughout the lockdown as essential food retailers and the market is becoming a real destination for foodies. We had a vision to create something really unique and different with the market and I hope you’ll agree the range of foods from all corners of the world is really wonderful. We’ve got a few new traders joining us in the coming weeks – including the fabulous Hetty’s Kitchen, so watch this space.
We’re now looking forward to the next milestone in the government’s roadmap when we can bring back the seating area in the market and re-introduce our evening market with some live entertainment. And of course, Curio Lounge will also be able to welcome back diners inside plus Vue Cinema and Stroud Bowl will be able to reopen.
It has been a difficult 12 months for the town but there is definitely a positive buzz in Stroud just now with new businesses opening and lots to feel optimistic about, including of course the new StroudTimes.com.
As soon as we’re allowed, we’ll be re-introducing our busy programme of on centre events – so do please keep an eye on the website www.fivevalleysstroud.co.uk or follow our Facebook page where all our regular updates are posted.
We look forward to welcoming you to Five Valleys very soon and on behalf of all our businesses here, thank you so much for your ongoing support.